Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 466
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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 467 VI -arithmetic Reduce 378135 ft to miles Divide £374 19s 3d by 108 If the carriage of goods for 130 miles be £2 3s id how far may the same goods be carried for £2 ISs 8d Reduce f- -jjl to its lowest terms Find the least common multiple of 831 and 10249 Find the sum of Simplify χ χ 1-& χ Find by Practice the cost of cwt qr lib at £2 13 Id per qr VII-algebra Find the sum of 2x2 3xy 4y2 3xz 2y2 z2 x2 2zy hz2 3xy 6xz 3x2 3xz 2z2 5yz 4y2 3yz 2x2 From χ take χ Multiply by Divide 4ןm by m2 22ra -f Simplify a2 ay Solve the equations 17 10 17 r-lu -2x 2x 3y 4z 20 3x 4y 5z 26 3x 5y 6z 31 Find the sides of rectangle that contains 960 sq yards and whose length exceeds its breadth by 16 yards
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