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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-463

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464 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT What do you know as to the following persons -Abimelech Chedorlaomer Hagar Reuben Bethuel Rachel Where were the following places With what events were they connected -Bethel Peniel Beersheba Padan-Aram Mac- pelah Dothan II -Wt oSpel actorUmg to St $οϊ π State briefly what seem to you the chief characteristics of this Evangelist as to the plan or style of his Gospel as to the doctrines which distinguish it Who were the Samaritans Illustrate from the New Tes- tament the relations existing between them and the Jews at the time of our Lord's ministry and state distinctly the nature of His teaching in His conversation with the woman of Samaria In what particulars does St John's narrative of our Lord's sufferings and death differ from those given in the other Gospels How can you account for the differences Compare the characters of Nicodemus the blind man of chap ix Martha and the multitude at Capernaum as illus- trating different degrees of faith and knowledge What do you gather from this Gospel as to the state of feeling among the different classes at Jerusalem in relation to our Lord's ministry Translate and write short explanatory notes on the follow- ing passages Ο μισθωτό δέ eat ουκ ποιμήν ου ουκ fiat τά πρό- βάτα ίδια θεωρεί τον ύκον ερχόμενον και άφίησι τα πρόβατα καϊ φεύγει" cat ό λύκος αρπάζει αυτά και σκορπίζει τά πρόβατα Δέγει αύτω ό Ίησοΰ Ό ελουμένο οϋ χρείαν εχει ή του πόδαϊ νίψασθαι αλλ' εστι καθαρό όλοι' και νμεί καθαροί εστε αλλ' ούχι πάντε
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