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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-46

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40 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1859 The Charter of the College expressly contemplates such provision being made one of its clauses setting forth That the Council shall have power to accept on behalf of the said College gifts and endowments for promoting parti- cular objects of education or otherwise in aid of the general purposes of the College on such terms and conditions as may be agreed on for the purpose between the Council and the person bestowing such gifts or endowments The following additional Proprietors of the College have since the date of the last Report converted each one share into donation whilst retaining all their other privileges they have for the future permanent benefit of the Institution given up all right to receive any dividend on the amount they have contributed towards the foundation of the College viz Rev Greive John Jesse Esq Serocold Esq James Tennant Esq It is not wholly beneath the dignity of this Report to allude to the soiree which was given by the Principal Professors and Officers of the College to the past and present Students and to the friends generally of the College On this occasion which was designed to inaugurate an annual succession of such gatherings all the principal rooms libraries and corridors of the College well lighted and furnished with pic- tures photographs and other works of art and science lent for the most part by friends of the Institution were thrown open to the company which assembled to the number of nearly 000 The Council are persuaded that the Court will hear with pleasure of this effort to promote the harmony and influence of the College
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