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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-457

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458 APPLIED SCIENCES VI eologg ants iHtneralogg What is understood by Stratification To what agency is it ascribed What is meant by the terms "conformable" and unconformable What aid does the study of organic remains or of the remains of former animals and plants found imbedded in the strata afford to the Geologist in determining the relative age of stratified deposits Describe the principal groups of Strata and the order in which they occur in England Give sketches of the following genera of fossils -Ammo- nites Goniatites Nautilus Orthoceras Baculites and Hamites showing the position of the Siphuncle in each and marking the Sutures Also illustrate by diagram the distribution in Geo- logical time State the differences between Granite and Syenite Granite and Gneiss Gneiss and Mica-schist Syenite and Greenstone and explain when rocks are said to be Porphyritic What are the distinguishing characters of Diamond Sap- phire Topaz and Rock-crystal as to crystalline form hardness fracture and specific gravity Describe simple means of detecting Mercury or Arsenic in minerals What minerals resemble Gold and how can it be distin- guished from them in crystalline form hardness specific gravity or when acted upon by the blowpipe or acids Mention some of the practical advantages of knowledge of Geology and Mineralogy 10 How would you proceed to examine foreign country and in what way would you record your observations and mark your specimens in order to render them useful to more expe- rienced geologists at home Name the Minerals Rocks and Fossils on the accompanying tray give the crystalline form of the specimens numbered and and mention the strata to which the fossils belong
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