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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-452

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APPLIED SCIENCES 453 Find the pressure at any point in the interior of mass of fluid acted on by any forces vertical cylinder contains water and revolves about its axis at given uniform rate Find the angular velocity when quarter of the fluid is thrown out Show how to find the time of emptying vessel through very small orifice If the times in which two hemispheres are emptied one by an orifice in the vertex and the other by an equal orifice in the base he as show that the ratio of the radii are as 36 35f VI -Cijtmtiitrj GIVE sketch of Dalton's Atomic Theory and apply it to the explanation of chemical equivalents and to definite pro- portions Illustrate the meaning of the term substitution by examples Describe the preparation and properties of Phosphorus in its chief allotropic modifications How is Nitric Acid obtained Give its properties compo- sition and the results of its action upon Mercury By what means is Nitre procured State the method of refining it Distinguish between Nitrate of Potash and Nitrate of Soda specifying the principal uses to which each is applicable Distinguish between fat ana poor limes What is meant by hydraulic lime State how hydraulic limes may be artificially procured What is the composition of the following stones -Portland Stone Craigleith Stone Porphyry Granite Millstone Grit How do you ascertain the probable effect of frost upon building stone Sketch the Swansea process of Copper Smelting enume- rating the chief varieties of Copper Ore
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