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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-45

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annual report april 1859 45 connexion with the Evening Classes and the details of the scheme are so satisfactory that the Council have not hesitated most thankfully to accept the offer made to them and they hope in very short time to add to their staff the Tooke Professor of Economic Science and Statistics The details will be set forth in the next edition of the College Calendar The death of the Marquis of Bristol leaves vacancy amongst the Governors for Life which it will be the duty of the Visitor to fill up The deceased nobleman was the last of the original Life Governors appointed by the Royal Charter During the past year the Council have had the pleasure of electing as an Honorary Fellow of the College Mr George Schilling who was during two years Student in the Depart- ment of the Applied Sciences and afterwards Principal of the Martiniere College at Lucknow Mr Schilling received the highest approval of all the authorities for the great ability and zeal which distinguished his government of that College When the siege of Lucknow commenced he was appointed one of the extra military Commandants in charge of his own students and in that capacity defended an important outwork with distinguished success He was in consequence named in General Inglis's dispatch as one in whose courage and administrative and military talents he had had the greatest confidence The Finances of the year show an excess of income over expenditure of 661 85 3c and the liabilities of the College are consequently reduced by this amount Although this is brought about more by decrease in expenses than by an enlargement of income the Council are gratified with the result particularly as smaller profit was obtained last year with the extraneous assistance of 26415 ן Od from legacies The readiest mode of assisting the College would be by some of its friends taking on themselves the foundation of Scholarships in the different Departments These now constitute very heavy charge on the finances
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