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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-44

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44 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1859 Students of the Evening Classes now form considerable element in the Sunday morning congregation in the College Chapel It should be stated in conclusion that in addition to the regular course of study marked out in the well-digested Syllabus it has been thought right to offer from time to time Special Lectures on subjects of general interest by men eminence in the several departments of knowledge The Council have to thank one of their own body the Rev Hampden Gurney for three Lectures on Gregory VII WyklifF and England in the time of Wykliff also Professor Goodeve for lecture on optics with series of beautiful experiments by means of the electric light They are likewise indebted for lecture on the Call of Abraham to the Rev Canon Stanley Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History at Oxford It is gratifying to add that whilst this Report has been in preparation the Summer Evening Classes have opened with an attendance of 126 Students This is the first organized effort which the Principal has made to carry on these Classes in the Summer The Council cannot close this notice of the Department of the Evening Classes without expressing the obligations of the College to Professor Plumptre and the other Lecturers in this department for the zeal ability and self-sacrifice with which they have fostered its early growth and brought it to its present state of maturity The Council have the gratification of announcing the foundation during the present year of another endowed Professorship number of gentlemen well known and of high repute in the scientific world have proposed to transfer to the College sufficient amount of Debenture Four per Cent Perpetual Stock of the London and North-Western Railway Company to establish for ever Professorship of Economic Science and Statistics in honour of the personal character and the eminent services rendered to science by the late Thomas Tooke Esq of 31 Spring Gardens This proposal so well works in with the general arrangements of the College particularly in
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