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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-432

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GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE 433 Conductum pavit quanto constantior isdem In vitiis tanto levius miser ac prior illo Qui jam contento jam laxo fune laborat Roscia die sodes melior lex an puerorum est Nenia quae regnum recte facientibus offert Et maribus Curiis et decantata Camillis Isne tibi melius suadet qui rem facias rem Si possis recte si non quocunque modo rem Ut propius spectes lacrimosa poemata Pupi An qui Fortunae te responsare superbae Liberum et erectum praesens hortatur et aptat Quodsi me populus Romanus forte roget cur Non ut porticibus sic judiciis fruar isdem Nec sequar aut fugiam quae diligit ipse vel odit Olim quod vulpes aegroto cauta leoni Respondit referam Quia me vestigia terrent Omnia te adversum spectantia nulla retrorsum Bellua multorum es capitum Nam quid sequar aut queni Pars hominum gestit conducere publica sunt qui Crustis et pomis viduas venentur avaras Excipiantque senes quos in vivaria mittant Multis occulto crescit res fenore Verum Esto aliis alios rebus studiisque teneri Idem eadem possunt horam durare probantes Translate into Latin Lyrics Out of the morning land Over the snow-drifts Beautiful Freya came Tripping to Scoring White were the moorlands And frozen before her And green were the moorlands And blooming behind her Out of her golden locks Shaking the spring flowers Out of her garments Ε Ε
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