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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-43

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annual report april 1859 43 On Magnetism Electro-Magnetism and the Electric Telegraph On Atmospheric Air On Optics and Optical Instruments On the Chemistry of the Non-Metallic elements So fully are the Principal and Dr Major convinced of the value of these Lectures that in compliance with the urgent wishes of many Parents they have recommended the imme- diate introduction of similar terminal course into the regular work of the Division of Classics Mathematics and General Literature The details of the proposal are still under consideration but they will be drawn up in the spirit of the Regulations which have been already tested by expe- rience and will come into operation after Easter Leriche having received an appointment in the City of London School has resigned his office as Assistant French Master Isnard has been elected to supply his place The Rev George Arthur Smyth has resigned the office of Master of the Second Class The Council desire to record with grateful respect the faithful services rendered by Mr Smyth to the School during the long period of eighteen years The vacancy thus created has been filled up by the appointment of Thomas Sampson Carte Esq of Sydney College Cambridge The progress of the Evening Class Department has been in the highest degree satisfactory In consequence of the privileges accorded to it last year it has taken its place as an integral and permanent part of the College It has attracted considerable public notice its numbers have increased with unprecedented rapidity and what is of more importance still the 378 Students of the present year have been as conspicuous for their diligence order and right feeling as the 164 of 1857-8 Nor is the special characteristic of the College want- ing here The admirable Course of Lectures delivered by the Chaplain on Wednesday Evenings has been attended by Class of between 90 and 100 Students and the Matriculated
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