Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 425
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426 GENERAL LITERATURE AND SCIENCE war than himself But that the distance of place was such as no forces that he should raise for the seas could be levied or prepared but with double the charge and double the time at the least that they might be from the other princes that had their territories nearer adjoining Besides that neither the manner of his ships having no galleys nor the experience of his pilots and mariners could be so apt for those seas as theirs And therefore that his holiness might do well to move one of those other kings who lay fitter for the purpose to accompany him by sea Whereby both all things would be sooner put in readiness and with less charge and the emulation and division of command which might grow between those kings of France and Spain if they should both join in the war by land upon Graecia might be wisely avoided and that for his part he would not be wanting in aids and contribution -Bacon's Henry the Seventh VII -CranSlate into reck ambuss Rom You much weaken The strength of your good cause should you but think man for doing well could entertain pardon were it ofler'd you have given To blind and slow-paced justice wings and eyes To see and overtake impieties Which from cold proceeding had received Indulgence or protection Charal Think you so Rom Upon my soul nor should the blood you challenged And took to cure your honour breed more scruple In your soft conscience than if your sword Had been sheathed in tiger or she-bear That in their bowels would have made your tomb Massinger's Fatal Dowry Act Sc
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