Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 418
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1NGLIS SCHOLARSHIP 419 list of his most intimate friends and the names under which they are celebrated in his poems The plan of the Faery Queen as derived from the poet's own account of it and the books of it which have come down to us The object of it and how related to the times in which the poet was living How were Spenser's views of the times affected by the circumstances of his life What party and what principles did he espouse To what dangers on both extremes did he think the Englishmen of his time were exposed Refer to such parts of his poems where those dangers are pointed out As poet how were his imagination his feelings the choice and treatment of his subjects and his style affected by his residence first in the north of England then in Ireland What are the virtues celebrated in the six books of the Faery Queen What their political bearing What are the defects incidental to Spenser's mode of treating his subject and the form of the stanza employed by him 10 What alterations are observable in the structure of his verse in the later books 11 Show that the use of allegory was natural to the poet's mind and the most faithful exponent of the minds of his contemporaries 12 Show that it had always been associated with such subjects as Spenser desired to set forth in the Faery Queen III -Cfje paper on ϊ ε 3ftctsn of ucen &U abtti set for tije JngliS Scholarship for JMoUern &istorg ם פ
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