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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-417

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418 INGLIS SCHOLARSHIP His tendency to select subjects of broader permanent and more prominent interest so more fully realizing Bacon's boast that his writings came home to men's business and bosoms His association of the great the marvellous and the unseen with the ordinary and familiar The predominance of English subjects and characters in his writings How far attributable- to the character of his genius to his circumstances to his times In what instances did this strong English bias interfere with his perceptions and sympathies In what respects do the general treatment of the play of King John differ from his other English plays 10 Should it or should it not he properly classed in the same series 11 In what sense is "Richard III the necessary conse- quence of "Richard II Show the antithesis between the two kings 12 Why is the more popular and varied element of Henry IV wanting in these two plays 13 From what authorities did Shakespeare derive the materials of his English plays 14 How do you answer the objection that he dealt with his authorities according to his own conception of the times altering omitting or transposing them at his pleasure 15 The pathetic and the humorous in Shakespeare differ in the different English plays Show that they are strictly in keeping with each other and with the play in which these modifi- sations appear II -J pcnScr'3 tfattv dhntm short sketch of the life of Spenser stating from what sources our knowledge of it is derived and what part of his writings contain any autobiographical notices
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