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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-415

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416 INGLIS SCHOLARSHIP What were the great constitutional questions at issue between the Norman Kings and the Bishops of Rome What authority was claimed by the legates from Rome Impropriations and their consequences The life and character of Wiclif What other influences were at work early in the 16th century preparing the way for the Reformation Compare the characters and positions of Cranmer Gardiner Pole Hooper State briefly the chief steps in the Reformation of the worship of the Church made in the reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI respectively Give short account of the chief Martyrs in the persecutions under Mary III Englts Scholarship for jUJlotern history ί ε 3&etgn of nttn lt$abcti What were the respective claims of Elizabeth and of Mary Stuart to the English succession Give short character of Mary Stuart illustrating it from her life Give some account of the conspiracy of the Duke of Norfolk Examine Elizabeth's conduct to the Queen of Scots Examine the nature of Elizabeth's foreign policy What was the condition of Ireland under Elizabeth What was the general character of Elizabeth's relations with the House of Commons Mention the chief enactments affecting religious toleration in the reign of Elizabeth Explain the change of the laws for the support of the poor effected in this reign 10 Give short character of Elizabeth illustrating it from her life
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