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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-414

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DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP 415 33cavfion on ti CvctB art What is Pearson's definition of the faith of Christian What distinction does he draw between Faith and Opinion ii Divine and Human Faith What distinction does he notice between "believing and "believing in How far does he accept it On what grounds have men rested the belief in the existence of God What does Pearson lay most stress on What truths are implied in the statement believe in God the Father "f What are the degrees of Sonship made known to us in Scripture Explain the following passages -- As in regard to the extension he hath power over all things so in respect of the intention he hath all power over everything ii Being then that universal maxim that nothing can he made of nothing is merely calculated for the meridian of natural causes it is most evident it can have no place in the production of that antecedent or first being which we call Creation iii In the Divine Nature there is an intrinsical and essential singularity What are the chief errors against which Pearson argues in dealing with the clause "Creator of Heaven and Earth" What practical lessons are drawn by Pearson from the first Article of the Creed VI -33Iunt'S Reformation What was the condition of the Anglo-Saxon Church as regards its relations to the See of Rome as to doctrine aud practice The relative position of the Regular Clergy the Secular Clergy the Friars in the 14th century
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