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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-408

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 409 Translate into Greek Flee also youthful lusts but follow righteousness faith charity peace with them that call on the Lord out of pure heart But godliness with contentment is great gain for we brought nothing into the world and it is certain we can carry nothing out The life and character of Barnabas In what relation does he stand to the parties of the Apostolic age Translate the following passages writing short explanatory notes and noticing any remarkable various rending καί μη εϊσενέγκης ήμας εις πειρασμον άλλα ρΰσαι ημάς από τον πονηρού ότι σον εστίν ή βασιλεία και ή δύναμις κάί ή δόξα εις τους αιώνας Αμήν αί μεν ουν εκκλησίαι Kaff ολης της Ιουδαίας καί Γαλιλαιαί καί Σαμάρειας εϊχον ειρήνην οίκοδομονμεναι και πορενο- μεναι τώ φόβω τον Κνρίον καί τη παρακλήσει τοϋ ay'iov Ώνεύματος έπληθννοντο καί ομολογουμένως μέγα εστί τβ της ευσέβειας μνστηριον Θε0ς έφανερώθη έν σαρκί εδικαιώθη εν πνενματι ώφβη άγγελοις έκηρύχθη έν εθνεσιν έπιστεΰθη έν κοσμώ άνελήφβη έν δόξη καί άνανήψωσιν έκ της τοϋ διαβόλου παγίδας έζωγρημένοι ΰπ' αΰτοΰ είς το εκείνου θέλημα Give an account of St Paul's life between bis first and second visits to Corinth With what plans and expectations did he go to it the second time What indications have we in St Luke's writings of his having resided at Caesarea and had access to the household of the Herodian family What points of historical or dogmatic coincidence are presented by comparison of the Acts and the Pastoral Epistles
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