Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 402
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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 403 et dilectoribus qui dicere ausi sunt omnes Domini nostri Jesu Christi sententias quas mirari et praedicare coguntur de Platonis libris eum didicisse quoniam longe ante humanum adventum Domini Platonem fuisse negari non potest Nonne memoratus episcopus considerata historia gentium quum reperisset Platonem Jeremiae temporibus profectum fuisse in jEgyptum ubi propheta ille tunc erat probabilius esse ostendit quod Plato potius nostris uteris per eremiam fuerit imbutus ut ilia posset docere vel scribere qua3 jure laudantur Ante literas enim gentis Hebrae- oram in qua unius Dei cultus emicuit ex qua secundum carnem venit Dominus noster nec ipse quidem Pythagoras fuit cujus posteris Platonem theologiam didicisse isti adserunt Ita con- sideratis temporibus fit multo credibilius istos potius de uteris nostris habuisse quaecunque bona et vera dixerunt quam de Platonis Dominum Jesum Christum quod dementissimum est credere II -CranSlatr into Latin ISroSc In times past they were wont to demand eye for eye and tooth for tooth and rendered with usury evil for evil for Patience was not as yet because neither was Faith upon the earth In fact Impatience in the mean time availed itself of the opportunities of the Law It was easy to do so while the Lord and Master of Patience was away But when He came afterwards and joined in one the grace of Faith with Patience from that time it hath not been lawftd to provoke even by word nor even to say Thou fool without danger of the judgement Anger was forbidden passions restrained the wantonness of the hand checked the poison of the tongue taken away III -J3utlct' analog Show that our ignorance is really satisfactory answer to all objections against the justice and goodness of Providence How does Butler sum up the arguments which should in- duce us to give serious heed to religion notwithstanding all objections to the contrary
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