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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-40

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40 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1859 his unwearied attention in detail to the business of the office of Dean for his kindly consideration towards the Students and for the beneficial influence which his example no less than his precepts exercised over the moral and religions tone of the Medical School The Council on the occasion of this vacancy took the oppor- tunity of reconsidering the whole subject of the office of Permanent Dean of the Medical Department They had long had before them memorandum signed nearly unanimously by the Medical Professors setting forth the advantages of an annual election to that office In deference to these represen- tations the Council have consented to introduce change of system and to make the Dean's office annual instead of per- manent the choice of Professor to act as Dean being vested in the professorial body subject to the Council's approval instead of being direct appointment by the Council itself But the Council did not consent to this change without con- siderable misgivings as to the result and only acquiesced in it on condition of the appointment of permanent Sub-Dean whose duty it should be to conduct all the regular and routine business of the Department for which the permanent Dean had hitherto made himself responsible The contem- plated change of system was facilitated by the coincidence that the office of Medical Tutor was vacated at this conjunc- tion by Mr Hulke after faithful service which the Council take this occasion to acknowledge during seven years It was determined thereupon that the offices of Medical Tutor and Sub-Dean should be united in the same person On the completion of these arrangements Professor Part- ridge was presented to the Council for their approval as Dean for the ensuing year and Mr John Harley most distinguished Student was appointed by the Council to the joint office of Medical Tutor and Permanent Sub-Dean The Committee of King's College Hospital have under their most able and laborious Vice-Chairman Robert Cheere Esq considerably extended their sphere of usefulness during the past year The large number of 621 patients being an
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