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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-399

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400 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT On what occasion were these words uttered and to whom Explain carefully the meaning of the first clause of ver 19 What are the μείζονα έργα referred to in ver 20 and in what sense does ζωοποιεϊ νεκρού here appear to be used IX- ϊ ε acts of φ aposstlcs Ci pastoral CpustlrsS St iHattljefo Cljap h-W What do we learn from the New Testament as to the office and functions of the Deacons Evangelists and Prophets of the Apostolic Church' Examine the relations of our Lord's Temptation in the Wilderness to his work as Redeemer to the development of his humanity Collect from the Gospels and the Acts intimations of the special closeness of friendship between St Peter and St John Give short account of St Paul's life between the time of his departure from Athens and his speech to the Elders at Miletus What method may be traced in the structure of the Sermon on the Mount State briefly the position occupied by our Lord's teaching as to Divorce and Oaths in relation to that method What do you know of the following places With what events are they connected Nazareth-Capernaum-Caesarea- Cenchrea-Bercea-Antioch in Pisidia Translate and explain Διάκονοι εστωσαν μιας γυναικός άνδρες τέκνων καλώς προ'ΐστάμενοι και των ιδίων οίκων Οι γαρ καλώς δια- κονήσαντες βαθμον εαυτοίς καλοί περιποιούνται και πολλήν παρρησίαν εν πίστει τη εν Χριστώ Ίησοΰ Εί μεν οΰν Δημήτριος και 01 συν αΰτφ τεχνιται πρός τινα λόγον εχουσιν αγοραίοι άγονται και ανθύπατοι εισιν' εγκαλείτωσαν άλλήλοις 0S το' πτνον εν τη χειρί αυτοϋ και διακαθαριε'ι την άλωνα
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