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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-397

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398 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT VI -Ciiurti $tsitor1 Give some account of the most distinguished teachers in the Churches of Syria and Africa Describe the origin and progress of the schism between the Greek and Roman churches and the efforts at reconciliation Give short account of Popes Vigilius Sylvester II and Sixtus Trace the decline of the Papal power from Boniface VIII to the Reformation Give an account of the English translations of the Bible Name the Archbishops of Canterbury most distinguished for learning VII-introifurtton to tty jUtfo Ctitament Give short account of the origin of the Greek Text now in common use in this country and state how far you conceive necessary or desirable an authoritative revision Give brief account of the recent edition of Tischendorf and the principles on which it is based Enumerate the passages in the four Gospels which have been judged by recent critics or commentators not to have formed portion of the original text and state in each case your own opinion Illustrate the argument in favour of the Gospels being now in essentially the same state as they were originally composed founded on the correspondence of the copies which ice now possess State the argument in favour of the same position derived from the agreement of the copies of the Gospels which were in existence at the end of the Second Century and give rough estimate of the number of such copies which must then have been in circulation Give brief account of the so-called Gospel according to the Hebrews and investigate its relations to the Gospel of St Matthew By what sect does it appear to have been ex- clusively used
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