Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 395
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396 THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT II -Craniate into Eattn iJroiit It is Prayer alone which overcometh God But Christ hath determined that it worketh no ill All its power He hath bestowed on it for good Wherefore it knoweth nothing save to call back souls from the very pathway of death to recover the weak to heal the sick to cleanse those possessed by devils open the gates of the prison loose the bands of the guiltless It is this which washeth away sin repelleth temptations quencheth persecutions comforteth the weak-hearted rejoiceth the strong of heart bringeth home travellers stilleth the waves confoundeth the robbers feedeth the poor guideth the sick raiseth the fallen supporteth the stumbling keepeth fastthem that stand Prayer is the wall of faith our armour and weapons against man who watcheth us on every side Wherefore never let us walk unarmed By day let us remember our station by night our watch Under the arms of Prayer let us guard the standard of our Captain in Prayer let us wait the trumpet of the Angel III -Sutler's Sfoalogg $art What is Origen remark respecting the difficulties to be found in Scripture and how is that remark extended by Butler's Show that the eternity of future punishments is in analogy with what we observe in this life What argument may be based on the tendency of Virtue to prevail over Vice Show that the present world is peculiarly fit to be state of discipline for our improvement in virtue and piety Show that creatures are capable of qualification for new states by habit and distinguish between Active and Passive Habits Show that the notion of Necessity does not destroy the proof that there is an Intelligent Author of Nature and Natural Governor of the world
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