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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-394

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 395 To whom or to what does this passage refer Give the most probable explanation of the words ωστ6 αυτόν κ τ λ ver and state what prophecy of the Old Testament this has been supposed to refer to What is the τό κατίχον ver and in what does it differ from κατέχων ver Explain the con- struction of the last verse Give the Greek for- Jesus which delivereth ns from the wrath to come Prove all things hold fast that which is good The Lord Himself give you peace always by all means EXAMINATION FOR CERTIFICATES Easter 1859 -CranSlate into t£ngltsj Non enim audiendi sunt errores gentilium superstitionum qui novem Musas Jovis et Memoriae filias esse finxerunt Refellit eos Varro quo nescio utrum apud eos quisquam talium rerum doctior vel cifriosior esse possit Dicit enim civitatem nescio quam non enim nomen recolo locasse apud tres artifices terna simulacra Musarum quod in templo Apollinis donum poneret ut quisquis artificum pulchriora formasset ab illo potissimum electa emeret Itaque contigisse ut opera sua quoque illi artifices seque pulchra explicarent et placuisse civitati omnes novem atque omnes esse emtas ut in Apollinis templo dedicarentur quibus postea dici Hesiodum poetam imposuisse vocabula Non igitur Jupiter novem Musas genuit sed tres fabri ternas creaverunt Tres autem non propterea ilia civitas locaverat quia in somnis eas viderat aut tot se cujusquam illoruin oculis demonstraverant sed quia facile erat animadvertere omnem sonum qu32 materies cantilenarum est triformem esse Natura Aut enim voce editur sicuti eorum est qui faucibus sine organo canant aut flatu sicut tubarum et tibiarum aut pulsu sicut in citharis et tympanis et quibuslibet aliis quje percutiendo canora sunt -Augustin de Doct Cubist Lib II
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