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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-39

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ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 1859 ss The following Medical Students have distinguished them- selves at the University of London during the past year At the second examination for the Degree of Mr John Walters Mr Evan Meeres Scholarship and Gold Medal in Surgery Honours in Medicine Honours in Midwifery Honours in Surgery At the first examination for Degree of Mr Atchley Mr Easton Mr Saunders Mr Evans Exhibition and Gold Medal in Materia Medica Honours in Botany Honours in Chemistry Γ Gold Medal in Chemistry Gold Medal in Materia Medica ן י Honours in Anatomy and Phy- siology Γ Exhibition and Gold Medal in Che- mistry Honours in Materia Medica Honours in Botany Honours in Anatomy and Phy- siology The Council advert with great regret to the resignation by Dr Guy of the office of permanent Dean of the Medical Department On the reasons which led to this step the Council forbear to enlarge but it is an act of justice to state that they redound to Dr Guy's honour as serving to show his high sense of duty towards his colleagues and the unselfish interest which he took in his work The Council rejoice at the prospect of retaining Dr Guy's valuable services as Professor of Forensic Medicine and they seize the present occasion to offer their grateful acknowledgments to him for
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