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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-38

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38 annual report april 1S59 The Council thankfully record the fact that the Earl of Malmesbury has followed the example of his predecessor in the Foreign Office and has already appointed four new Student Interpreters making in all twenty-one since 1854 There is reason to believe that more will be called for so soon as instructions are received from Her Majesty's Ambassador at the Court of Pekin The Department of the Applied Sciences continues to give sound scientific and practical education to large and well-conducted body of Students who are likely at no distant period to find employment as Civil Engineers in various parts of the world The religious training of men like these who seem destined in the progress of human affairs to be the pioneers of material civilization can hardly be estimated too highly And the Students of this Department are second to none in their punctual attendance at Divine Service and at the Divinity Lecture The number of matriculated Students in the Military Department throughout the year has not been adequate to the just expectations of the Council This result is owing not to any deficiency in the curriculum of study or in the appli- ances for training still less to want of zeal on the part of the distinguished Professor of Military Science and his able Assistants but it must be attributed in great measure to the scheme of examination finally settled by Her Majesty's Government who appear to have adopted good ordinary school education as basis for admission into the army in preference to any system of special and professional instruc- tion The Council have it in contemplation to consider how far this Department may be remodelled with view to its better adaptation to the requirements of the several Boards of military examination The Matriculations in the Medical Department since the date of the last year's Report have been fully equal to those of the two previous years
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