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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-37

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annual report april 1859 Examination and William Meymott Tidy in the First Class in Moderations At the University of Cambridge one former Student of this Department Mr Stone was 5tb Wrangler three others Messrs Besant Junior Mathematical Scholar 1855 Langdon and Mullings were also in the list of Wranglers Mr Theo- philus Moore was elected Fellow of Pembroke and Mr William Ayerst gained the Norrisian Prize for the second time In estimating the present amount of these University dis- tinctions it should be borne in mind that larger proportion than usual of the Students in this Department are pursuing their studies with view to professions which are not neces- sarily connected with Academical Degrees The numerous paths of life unknown to our predecessors which have been lately opened to youthful talent and acquirements especially the system of open competition for appointments in the Civil Service both at home and in India have created demand for this kind of education which King's College is so well able to supply The acknowledged falling off in the number of matriculations at Oxford and Cambridge is only another illustration of change in the destination of young men such as that which has to certain extent altered the direction of this Department It is to be hoped that the unprecedented number of open Fellowships and Scholarships at the Univer- sities will serve to restore the balance and that so without neglecting the growing want of modern times this Depart- ment may continue to contribute succession of able and well-principled recruits to the ancient seats of learning In consequence of the growing importance of the Chinese language and with view to the more complete education of those who wish to become candidates for the office of Student Interpreters in China the Council have made matriculation in the Department of General Literature and Science con- dition of recommendation for such appointments It is hoped that this regulation will help to confirm and increase the con- fidence so generally expressed towards King's College as nursery for this important branch of Her Majesty's Service
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