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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-319

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UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS 319 1856 Francis Joseph Dowling 1857 George William Lawrence Gold Medal John Lumsden Propert 1858 John Walters In Midwifery 1844 William Henry Parsey 1845 Frederick John Hensley 1848 Arthur Charles Copeman 1849 Thomas Rhodes Armitage 1852 William Edward Masfen 1854 Henry Robert Silvester 1855 Charles Pardey 1857 Alfred Meadows 1858 John Walters HONOURS AT DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE 111 Medicine 1842 William Allen Miller 1844 Fredericke Robert Manson 1844 Fredericke Robert Manson HONOURS AT DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS In Mathematics and Natural Philoswphy 1859 Walter West HONOURS AT DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF ARTS 1842 Thomas Hardwicke Cowie 1847 John Stuart Jackson 1852 Burford Waring Gibsone George William Hewitt Fletcher 1855 James Heath 1856 Walter West 1857 George Henry Rouse Scholarship In Midwifery In Mathemaiics and Natural Philosophy
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