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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-312

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312 UNIVERSITY DISTINCTIONS 1853 Evan McLaurin Smith Samuel Green 1854 William Henry Brown Fellow of Caius Leslie Stephen Fellow of Trinity Hall Francis James Candy Alfred Godrich William Norton Lawson Edward Sturges Thomas Grabham George Rawlinson 1855 Henry Stewart Drewry Fellow of Pembroke Edward Headland Fellow of Caius Paulinus Aubrey Ninnis Fellow of Clare Charles Weston Devenish 1856 Charles Baron Clarke Fellow of Queens' Horace William Smith Fellow of Trinity Henry Fawcett Fellow of Trinity Hall Benjamin Theophilus Moore Rolla Charles Meadows Rouse James Pierce Thomas Henry Candy Fellow of Sidney John Meek Clark Fellow of Magdalene 1857 Daniel Jones 1858 George Parker Bidder 1859 Edward James Stone Walter Besant William George Longden William Edward Mullins 1850 Henry William Watson Second 1838 John Frere Fellow Tutor of Trinity Joseph Hardcastle Smith's Prizemen 1842 Arthur Cayley 1846 Lewis Hensley 1848 Alfred Barry First First Second First Class in Classics
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