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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-301

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DINING HALL 301 DINING HALL Dinner is provided daily in the College Hall- At o'clock for Pupils of the School At Students and for the High Table During the Michaelmas Term the Principal dines in the Hall each Wednesday on which occasion he is particularly happy to meet such of the Professors Sec and Associates as may find it convenient to attend It is requested that whenever any one is intending to dine at the High Table he will give notice to the Porter in the Hall not later than o'clock in the afternoon The following is the scale of Fees £ General Students -Each Term Medical Students -Winter Session 11 li Summer Session Occasional Dinners For One Day-Students High Table Wednesday in Michaelmas Term For Six Days-Students High Table 10 The School Single Dinner 10 For Tickets entitling Pupil to dine on Monday Tuesday Thursday and Friday per Term 10 On the Six Days of the Week ί 10 Luncheons Prices affixed in Sandwiches Biscuits Buns Soup Ale andBeer the Luncheon Room Money for single dinners may be paid in the Dining-Hall to the Manciple but tickets for week or for Term must be obtained at the Secretary's office Luncheon also is provided daily Sunday excepted from quarter before twelve o'clock to half-past twelve and from half-past one to two Book is kept in the Hall in which it is particularly re- quested that all complaints may be immediately entered and signed by the person having cause to complain
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