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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-299

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residence of students 299 Section II rules for the guidance of resident students Quiet order decorum and peaceful conduct must be strictly observed Each Student is required to be at home by Ten o'clock at night unless absent by leave of the Censor Any Student absenting himself without leave during whole night renders himself thereby liable to be dismissed from the College No person can be allowed to enter the College for the purpose of visiting Student after 10 o'clock Friends visiting Students are required to leave the College before Eleven o'clock In case of this rule being under any circumstances infringed the Student must accompany his friends to the gate and enter his own and their names to- gether with their address in book kept for the purpose by the Porter Each Student is held responsible for the orderly and quiet conduct of all friends while leaving his rooms as well as during their visit there Resident Students must dine in the College Hall in their academical dress every day except absent by leave of the Censor Furniture injured or windows broken will be repaired at the expense of the Student occupying the room in which the injury is done Wine and bottled beer may be obtained from the College Manciple and from him only except by special leave The rooms are visited once in each term by the Principal The servants of the College have no claim for com- pensation of any kind on the Students residing within the College All complaints either respecting the servants of the College or any other cause are to be made without delay to the Secretary It is the bounden duty of every servant of the College to report to the Principal or Censor any breach in the observance of the above Regulations which may come under his notice
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