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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-286

Please note: The digitised calendars in this site have had their contents extracted using OCR (optical character recognition) and as a result, there may be occasional errors in the text. We are working on correcting these errors, but this may take some time.

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286 THE SCHOOL Pinion of Classic Χ £ llotoer SiitS Class Hall George Thomas Hunter Leslie Mich Term 1S08 Cheston Charles fWhitaker Alfred Boughey Geo Lent Term 1859 Lambert Fred Leupolt John Hughes Cecil Browne Alfred East Term 1859 Eustace iTiftS Class Riddle Alfred Camm NicholasC M1ch Term Rutherford wmiam Saintsbury George Roney Cusack Lent Term 1859 Mmard GeQrge Whitaker Walter Levick Thomas Term 1859 claridge wiuiam per if ourti Class י Pinwill Edmund Down Arthur Mich 7W858 ן Macadam william Claridge William Carter Charles Lent Term 1859 Adamson James Galliers Thomas Benham Chas East Term 1859 Biackstonej George &otocr ifmtrtl Class ro Ciariilge William Castle Fred 1858 Uechle William ί Galliers Thomas Benham Chas La Term 1809 Geopge Adrian Adam Humphreys Henrv East Term 1859 johnson George Cljtrti Class Torn Nicolson Charles Benham Chas Mich TermAaoo יו Bremner AlexanderM Bvrne Gregory Kingscote Alg Lent Term 1859 Adrian Adam
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