Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 262
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Page content
II Ίι -Ι Table of the Second Class in the Division of Modern Instruction 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-1 2i-3 French Divinity Arithmetic Latin Ellis's Latin Exercises Ellis's Latin Exercises Writing Arithmetic French Latin and English Dictation Latin and English English Repetition and Composition Arithmetic Arithmetic Gennan English an Latin Arithmetic French English and Latin Drawing Drawing French nglish and Latin German Arithmetic Latin Exercise Writing Writing Drawing rawing and English Work Table of the Sixth Clans in the Division of Modem Instruction 9-10 10-11 11-12 12- n-n 2i-3 Divinity and Latin Drawing French Bookkeeping and Engineering Latin and Frenc Conversation Writing and French Conversation Mathematics Arithmetic German or Drawing German French Conversa tion or Drawing German and Engineering Drawing and Engineering French Mathematics Mathematics Mathematics German Latin and English FlW ConverWtn ן or Ί rigonometry French Conversatn or Trigonometry Mathematics English and Latin French Bookkeeping or FrenchConversatn Engineering or Trigonometry German French Mathematics German Conversa-tion or Drawing
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