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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-236

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236 EVENING CLASSES II -VI Retrospect of English Geography in connexion with history during the Roman Saxon and Norman periods -Topography of Early British History -Battle-fields of the Roses VI Geographical Discoveries of the 15th and 16th Centuries -The Cape of Good Hope and the Passage to India -The New World -Growth of Commercial Intercourse during the period VII VIII England during the Tudor period -Its Cities -London in the Reign of Elizabeth -Bristol Hull Norwich and other towns -Public Roads -Popu- lation Manufactures &c IX The Civil War -Battle-fields of the period -Edge- hill Chalgrove Newbury Long-Marston Naseby Dunbar Worcester &c England in the Reign of Charles II -Its Population Industry Cities &c -London before and after the Great Fire XI Scotland -Its Geographical features -Early Political Divisions -Battle-fields and other localities of Historic note -Bannockburn -Flodden -Pinkie -The Campaigns of Montrose -Killicrankie XII Ireland -Its Early Geography -Natural Features -The English Conquest -Limits of the English pale -Scotch Colonisation of Ulster -Cromwell's Irish Campaign -Contests under William III Londonderry Limerick the Boyne Augh- rim Sec XIII The Geography of Industry and Commerce -English Share in the Discoveries of the 16th and 17th Centuries -Early Search for North-west Passage to India -Voyages of Frobisher Gilbert Davis Hudson Baffin and others -First English Cir- cumnavigator of the Globe -Sir Francis Drake XIV -XVI Connexion of Geographical Discovery with the Growth of Maritime Power -Early Efforts at Colonisation -Raleigh -First English Settlements in America -New England -The Pilgrim-Fathers
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