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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-232

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Page content

232 evening classes IX The Fore-Shadowing3 of Change -Wicliff and the Lollards -Influences at work abroad -John Huss -Jerome of Prague The Reformation under Henry VIII -Relation to Continental Movements -Its influence on the Clergy-the Universities-the Middle Classes-the Peasantry XI The Reformation under Edward VI -The Prayer- Book -The Book of Homilies -The Reformers as Preachers XII The Persecutions under Queen Mary -Influence of Foreign Reformers Rise of Puritanism -State of the Church under Elizabeth -Jewel -Hooker Bacon XIII The struggle of Parties under James and Charles -The Good and the Evil on each side -Laud Herbert -Milton -Bunyan -Fox XIV Charles II -John Evelyn-Baxter -State of the Clergy-of the Laity-of the Non-conformists XV The Revolution of 1689 -The Non-Jurors -Bishop Ken -The Church Divines Beveridge Tillotson Burnet -The Attempts at Union XVI State of Christian Life in 18th Century -Bishop Wilson -Bishop Butler -Paley -Rise of Wesley- anism XVII The Evangelical Movement -Wilberforce -Simeon Martyn -Its Results -The later Re-action against it XVIII Present State of the Church -The Questions at issue The Contest with Rome-with Unbelief -The probable Future of the Church of England -The lessons of its History II LATIN -Three Classes Upper Division -Virgil Georgics III jEneid Livy Book XXI Arnold's Latin Prose Composition
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