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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-210

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210 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT That in each year of his Academical Studies in Medicine he has attended at least two of the Six Months' Courses of Lectures or one of these and two Three Months' Courses That besides the course of Clinical Medicine already prescribed he has attended for at least six months of another year the Medical or Surgical Prac- tice of General Hospital either at Edinburgh or elsewhere which accommo- dates not fewer than eighty patients That he has been engaged for at least six months by Apprenticeship or otherwise in Compounding and Dispensing Drugs at the Laboratory of an Hospital Dispensary Member of Surgical College or Faculty Licentiate of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries or professional Chemist or Druggist That he has attended for at least six months by Apprenticeship or other- wise the Out-practice of an Hospital or the Practice of Dispensary Physician Surgeon or Member of the London or Dublin Society of Apothecaries Sect III Attendance on the Lectures of Teachers of Medicine in the Hospital Schools of London or School of the College of Surgeons in Dublin or of Teachers of Medicine in Edinburgh recognised as such by the Royal Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons of Edinburgh in accordance with regulations to be adopted by these Colleges jointly and approved of by the Patrons of the Uni- versity shall to the extent of one-third of the whole departments required by Section II Clause to be studied by Candidates be held equivalent to attend- ance under Professors in this or some other University as already defined And such attendance shall be available to Candidates to the extent of one of the four years of study required by Section provided it has embraced in one year at least two Six Months' Courses of Lectures or one of these and two Three Months' Courses Sect IV No one shall obtain the Degree of Doctor who has not studied in the manner already prescribed for at least one year previous to his Graduation In the University of Edinburgh Sect Every Candidate must deliver before the 31st of March of the year in which he proposes to Graduate to the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine First Declaration in his own handwriting that he is twenty-one years of age or will be so before the day of Graduation and that he will not be then under articles of apprenticeship to any Surgeon or other master Secondly Statement of his Studies as well in Literature and Philosophy as in Medicine accompanied with proper Certificates Thirdly Medical Dissertation composed by himself in Latin or English to be perused by Professor and subject to his approval Sect VI Before Candidate be examined in Medicine the Medical Faculty shall ascertain by examination that he possesses competent knowledge of the Latin Language
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