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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-209

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MEDICAL DEPARTMENT 209 II STATUTES OF THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH RELATIVE TO THE DEGREE OF By regulation of the University of Edinburgh three out of the four years of study required by that University for its degree of may be passed in studying at the Medical School of King's College Sect No one shall be admitted to the Examinations for the Degree of Doctor of Medicine who has not been engaged in medical study for four years during at least six months of each either in the University of Edinburgh or in some other University where the Degree of is given unless in addition to three Medical Sessions so constituted he has attended during at least six winter months the Medical or Surgical Practice of General Hospital which accommodates at least eighty patients and during the same period course of Practical Anatomy Sect II No one shall be admitted to the Examinations for the Degree of Doctor who has not given sufficient evidence That he has studied once at least each of the following departments of Medical Science under Professors of Medicine in this or in some other Uni- versity as already defined viz Anatomy Chemistry Materia Medica and Pharmacy Institutes of Medicine or Physiology Practice of Medicine Surgery Midwifery and the Diseases peculiar to Women and Children General Pathology or in Schools where there is no such course three months Course of Lectures on Morbid Anatomy together with supplemental Course of Practice of Medicine or Clinical Medicine Practical Anatomy unless it has been attended in the year of extra-academical Study allowed by Sect Clinical Medicine that is the Treat- ment of Patients in Public Hospital under Professor of Medicine by whom Lectures on the cases are given Clinical Surgery Medical Jurisprudence Botany Natural History including Zoology Ο During Courses of Six Months During Courses of Six Months or two Courses of Three Months During Courses of at least ן Three Months
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