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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-17

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Bing'S College London toai founded in 1828 upon tije folloiuing fundamental principle Cijat ebern ivUtm of general education for tlje outi of Christian community oug to comprise instruction in tlje Christian religion aa an inHiipenuable part tutt out foljid tlje acquisition of otljer fcranciies of fmofolcdge foill fce conducibe neither to tlje Jjappu niM of ti indibtdual nor to ti Welfare of tfy J&tate Clje follotoing draper ii offered up dailn in ti College Cijapel Almighty God the Fountain of wisdom and the Giver of every perfect gift without whom nothing is strong nothing its holy Send down we beseech Thee Thy blessing upon this College and prosper the designs of its founders Enable us by Thy grace faithfully to discharge the duties of our several stations remembering the solemn account which we must one day give before the judgment-seat of Christ More particularly we pray that the seeds of Learning Virtue and Religion here sown may bring forth fruit abundantly to Thy glory and the benefit of our fellow creatures These and all other blessings for them and for us we xumbly ask in the name and through the mediation of Jesus Christ 1hy Son our Lord Amen β
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