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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1859-1860-134

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134 APPLIED SCIENCES Practical Coarse Mechanics Manufacturing Art Surveying Mineralogy and Geology Drawing To the first in order in each of the above Courses will be awarded Scholarship of £25 To the second and third in each of the above Courses will be awarded Prize of Books To each of those next in order deserving such distinction Certificate of Approval Separate Prizes will be given for Divinity for the Arts of Construction and for the Workshop These Scholarships Prizes and Certificates are open to all Matriculated Students of this Department who are at least in their fourth Term but who have not exceeded six Terms either in this Department or in this Department and in that of General Literature taken together These two Scholarships are tenable together The payments will commence in the October succeeding the election and will be continued quarterly during one year pro- vided the Scholar during the three months preceding each Quarter-day the months of July August and September excepted has continued to attend lectures as Matriculated Student of the College jf irst Ytav Subjects of examination at the end of the Easter Term To the first in order will be awarded Scholarship of £20 To the second and third will be awarded Prize of Books To each of those next in order deserving such distinction Certificate of Approval Mathematics Mechanics Chemistry
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