Calendar: 1859-1860 Page 107
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applied sciences 107 The Forms Given to the Teeth of Wheels -Theoretical Calculations The Problems solved in Cotton Spinning and Weaving -The Bobbin and Fly Frame the Self-Acting Mule the Power Loom The Copying Principle -As developed in Machinery for Shaping Iron and Wood Access to some of the principal Manufacturing Establish- ments in the metropolis and its vicinity having been liberally granted to the Students of this Department they are ac- customed to visit them from time to time accompanied by the Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery They thus see in operation the manufacturing processes which have formed the subject of their Lectures the mechanical ex- pedients which concur to the production of each are explained and the economy of the whole is pointed out on the spot VI Land Surveying and Levelling First Year Lecture-room from to every Friday Easter Term Field-work from 10 to every Saturday Second Year Lecture-room to every Friday ן in the Michaelmas Surveying at 10 every alternate Saturday and Lent Terms Third Year Lecture-room to every Friday in the Michaelmas Levelling at 10 every alternate Saturday and Lent Terms This course comprises Railway Surveying both by the Chain and Theodolite levelling in all its branches running out Rail- way curves staking out the line for the contractors calcu- lating the cuttings and embankments It is strictly practical the Students are actually engaged in field operations which by the kindness of several noblemen and gentlemen in the neighbourhood of London who have given them access to their grounds they are enabled to carry on extensively
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