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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-95

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APPLIED SCIENCES III Department of t&e Upplteii Sciences The object in view in this Department is to provide system of general education practical in its nature for the large class of young men who in after life are likely to be engaged in commercial and agricultural pursuits or in pro- fessional employments such as Civil and Military Engineering Surveying Architecture and the higher branches of Manufac- turing Art Section The following are the subjects of the different Lectures given in this Department with the names of the Professors and Tutors Religious Instruction according to the principles of the United Church of England and Ireland by the Rev Plumptre Chaplain II Mathematics by the Rev Hall late Fellow and Tutor of Magdalene College Cambridge Professor Rev Cock of Trinity College Cambridge and Rev Charles Elsee Fellow of St John's College Cambridge Lecturers III Natural Philosophy and Astronomy by Τ Goodeve Esq of St John's College Cambridge Pro- fessor IV Arts of Construction in connexion with Civil Engineering and Architecture by Hosking Esq Professor and Moseley Esq Lecturer Manufacturing Art and Machinery- by Τ Good- eve Esq of St John's College Cambridge Professor VI Land Surveying and Levelling by Castle Esq Lecturer VII Geometrical Drawing by Thomas Bradley Esq Professor VIII Chemistry by Miller Esq Pro- fessor and Hadow Esq Demonstrator IX Practical Chemistry by Bloxam Esq Professor Mineralogy by James Tennant Esq Professor XI Geology by Tennant Esq Professor
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