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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-50

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50 ANNUAL REPORT APRIL 18S8 the mild virtues and cultivated intellect of the Christian Gentleman-this venerable man was well qualified to uphold the character and interests of the College and Hospital of both of which he had been from the beginning warm supporter As Member of the Council he was constant attendant at its meetings and his wisdom and experience gave great value to his advice on all questions of importance The Finances of the College show an excess of income over expenditure of 603 8s 5cl and to this extent the liabilities of the College have been decreased since the last Report These liabilities now amount to 13 024 7s 5d an amount be it always remembered mainly incurred through the non-payment from various causes of many large donations promised towards the completion of the College Buildings The following additional Proprietors of the College have since the date of the last Report converted each one share into donation whilst retaining all their other privileges they have for the future permanent benefit of the Institution given up all right to receive any dividend on the amount they have contributed towards the foundation of the College viz Hawkins Walter Esq Robinson the Venerable Thomas The Council notice it as somewhat remarkable fact that no change has taken place during the past year in the staff of the College except that occasioned by the resignation of the Rev Nicolay who after fifteen years of faithful service as Librarian has been appointed by Lord Clarendon on the recommendation of the Bishop of London to the honorable office of British Chaplain at Bahia The vacancy thus oc- curring has been filled up by the appointment of Mr John Lamb so long the zealous and able Sub-Librarian
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