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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-479

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INDEX 481 Medical Department- Sum payable for Course re- quired by the College and Hall 160 Mode of payment 161 Free Admission to Lectures to whom given 161 Hours of Lectures 162 Hours for Hosp Attendance 1G3 Associateehip Rules for 163 Endowments 164 Scholarships Rules for 172 Prizes 175 Clinical Clerks &c totheHosp 177 Medical Society 185 Names of Scholars 190 Prizemen 193 Names of Students 1Μ Universityof London Rulesof 199 University of Edinburgh ϊ College of Physicians 204 College of Surgeons 206 Society of Apothecaries 208 Medical Depart of the Army 210 Medical Depart of the Navy 211 Medical Department East India Company 212 Medical Society of King's Coll 185 Medical Tutor- Instruction given 145 Pees 159 Medicine Principles and Prac- tice of- Lectures 141 Fees 159 Hours of Attendance 162 Midwifery- Lectures 142 Fees Λέ 159 Hours of Attendance 162 Military Department- Professors' Names 216 Instruction given 217 Regulations respecting Students 218 The Associateship 220 Fees 221 Η PAOI Military Department- Prizemen 1858 222 Names of Students 222 Mineralogy- Lectures 113 Fees 124 Hours of Attendance 12G Modern History- Lectures 71 Fees 77 Hours of Attendance 77 Museums- King George III 121 Anatomy Materia Medica Natural History &c 150 Names of Students and Pupils- Theological Department 64 Dep of Gen Lit and Science 93 Dep of Applied Sciences 135 Medical Department 196 Military Department 222 Evening Classes 238 The School 269 Navy Medical Service 211 Natural Philosophy- Lectures 96 145 Fees 124 159 Hours of Attendance I2n Officers of the CollNames of 33 Officers Class for 216 Hours 221 Oriental Languages- Fees 77 Hours of Attendance 77 Pastoral Theology- Courseon 56 Fees 60 Hours 62 Photography- Instruction given 115 Fees 124 Hour of Attendance 126 Physicians College of 204 Physiology- Lectures 39 Fees I59 Hours of Attendance 162 Η
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