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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-461

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THE SCHOOL 463 IV -CranSlatt into rttfe fambicS Nature that formed us of four elements Warring within our breast for regiment Doth teach us all to have aspiring minds Our souls whose faculties can comprehend The wondrous architecture of the world And measure every wandering planet's course Still climbing after knowledge infinite And always moving as the restless spheres Will us to wear ourselves and never rest Until we reach the ripest fruit of all V-Sjtstorg Who were Hyperbolus Nabis Cassander AVhat were the occupations of the orators Lysias Isocrates What was the basis of strength on which Athens first built her naval power Besides Egypt Syria Macedonia what fourth kingdom was formed out of the dominions of Alexander and by whom where was the capital Who were Fabius Pictor Saturninus Geta Name the great mutiny of Rome and state how it was terminated Distinguish by their achievements the two Scipios the two C'atos and the three Decii Name the literary performances of King Alfred When was Vienna last besieged by the Turks and how was the siege raised How and when did the republics of Venice and of Genoa originate Give with dates particulars of the parties engaged in and the results of the battles of Crecy Agincourt Bosworth Field Lutzen the Boyne Pultowa
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