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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-455

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THE SCHOOL 457 How do you identify the following substances -Arsenious Acid Corrosive Sublimate Calomel Oxalic Acid and Sulphate of Baryta supposing them each to be in the form of powder Describe the method of obtaining Platinum in the malleable condition Additional Questions for the Prize in Chemistry Describe the method of analysing compound containing Hydrogen Carbon and Oxygen Explain and illustrate the terms Isomerism Metamerism and Polymerism What are the general formulae of the Alcohols the Ethers and the Volatile Acids derived from the Alcohols Define an Alcohol and describe the properties and preparation of Spirit of Wine Give the law of ordinary refraction for Light illustrating it by diagram δ Explain the principle of the Voltameter State the laws of Electrolysis VIII d&ool PIRST AND SECOND CLASS SCHOLARSHIPS I- Clje 0SpeI according to &t iHattijcfo What internal evidence does the Gospel of St Matthew supply that it was originally written for Jewish converts Give some account of the arguments for Greek for Hebrew original and state your own opinion on the subject What was the Gospel to the Hebrews Mention the mosc re- markable events recorded by St Matthew alone of the Evan- gelists
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