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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-444

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446 MEDICAL DEPARTMENT Give and explain the etymology of ενωνυμον What advantages has the Greek over the Latin verb and how does the Latin supply its deficiencies Under what circumstances and on what principle do verbs in Greek and Latin govern two accusatives Translate into Greek know that he is wise He knows that he is ignorant Give accurately the geographical position of Carta Helles- pont Ephesus Phrygia Maeander Sardis Larissa Pharsalia Locri Orchomenus Coronea Cephisus Helicon Tegea Man- tinea Give short account of Xenophon and mention the occa- sions in which Agesilaus and Tissaphernes appear in Greek history XL-Euglrr's sci td te dFrirtJricij'iS Ut0 Sr0iS cn Translate otter StiUe xMte man nun in Stjfa etn bie Strajjen reaten leer in ben &aufern aber rtngS war 8td unb iel gefcE aftige Seben inige 6flerreid tf ije Solbaten bracfiten trof 6unbet au8 ben aufern fte reutben ergriffen unb betidjteten fte Stten efelji ba trolj auf bie rude ju tragen bie a6ge6rannt reerben fottte Snbef rear ntan bocf beS preufjifcfien SBefucp inne gereorben etn £rup£ 6fter reidjifc er olbaten ijatte ftdj fiitte gefammelt unb fing £ΐδ£ΐίφ an fiarf auf bie $reu en gu feuern fo baf mefyrere renabiere gu griebricfy'S etten Uerreunbet reurben te $reu en aier fatten iljre Ranonen bereitg ugfertig unb erreteberten ungefiiumt ben rufj 3n bemfetben 2ingenbtti fatn au8 alien aufern etn fiarfeS geuer auf bie $reufen unb reieber fc ofjen bie renabiere auf bie genjier au8 benen gefeuert rearb 2lKeS fdjrte unb commanbirte burcfjeinanber
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