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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-43

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annual report april 1858 during the past year but the Council advert with the greatest regret to the sudden death of Dr Royle who till lately held the appointment of Professor of Materia Medica and Thera- peutics in this College from the year 1836 to the year 1856 period of 20 years -during which he not only discharged the duties connected with his office with great advantage to the Students but reflected lustre upon the College from his valuable services rendered to the East India Company and 10 the mercantile community of England in bringing his eminent scientific attainments to bear on the enlargement of the resources of our empire in the East The Council are happy to be able to add to this account of the Medical Department the testimony borne by the Prin cipal by the Dean of the Department and by the Chaplain of the College to the good conduct of the Students and their zealous and diligent application to their studies both Medical and Theological The Chaplain reports most favourably of the mode in which the Students of this Department have acquitted themselves during the past year in the several examinations held by him King's College Hospital has continued most admirably to discharge its double office of supplying medical aid to the crowded districts of central London and of affording the op- portunity of learning the history of disease and its remedies to the Medical Students of this College Nothing can exceed the attention which has been continuously given to the affairs of this Charity by Sir Thomas Phillips the able and zealous Vice-Chairman of last year and by the Committee of Manage- meut When it is borne in mind that 27 617 of the sick poor received relief within its walls in 1857 the Court will not fail to recognise the spirit of Christian benevolence which must have actuated those who have accepted the responsibility of so vast an undertaking The work of raising 40 000 as detailed in the last Report to finish the New Buildings goes on bravely At this Anni- versary last year 512 5s had been subscribed to this
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