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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-40

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10 annual report april 1858 has been in successful operation during the present Session and it appears to have been appreciated by those for whose benefit it was devised There are at present more Students of the third year than at any period since the cessation of the great demand for engineers which was occasioned by the sudden development of the railway system The introduction of Photographic Manipulation into this part of the course under the skilful guidance and unremitting assiduity of Mr Hardwich has been especially useful In the course of instruction hitherto given in Chemistry modification has been introduced which has been found to work advantageously Up to the commencement of the present Winter it had been the practice to deliver but single course of lectures upon this science in the College and those lectures were attended both by the Medical Students and by those of the Department of the Applied Sciences Dr Miller has how- ever with great kindness now undertaken two separate courses one for each of the Departments by which means the attention of each class can be more easily directed to those parts of the science which have special bearing upon their professional studies The improvements introduced last year into the workshops have been likewise attended with great benefit to the Students many of whom have produced specimens of workmanship which would have done no discredit to the factory of the mill- wright One of the Students has for example completed high-pressure steam-engine of two horse-power and several others of smaller size are in the course of preparation The Council have to report that in order to meet the present regulations relative to examination for staff appointments in the army and also those relative to examination for commis- sions in the Queen's Service and East India Company's Service the Military Department has to certain extent been reorganized and the system of instruction will in future be specially under the direction of Major Griffiths who in co- operation with the Rev O'Reilly and Bradley Esq
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