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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-392

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394 DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP And touching that which unto this purpose is borrowed from the controversy sometime handled between Harding and the worthiest divine that Christendom hath bred for the space of some hundreds of years Although we are not of opinion as some are that Nature in working hath before her certain exemplary draughts or patterns Give the substance of Hooker's teaching as to the inspiration authority and scope of Holy Scripture What does he mean by the incredible praises of which he says that they tend to cause those things which it hath most abundantly to be less reverently esteemed Distinguish between the first and the second law eternal What different senses of the word law does Hooker recognise In what other senses has the word been used by later writers What evidence do these books supply as to the extent and direction of Hooker's reading VI-33utlfr'a analogy art ft What strike you as the chief characteristics of Butler and Paley respectively as writers on the Evidences of Chris- tianity as moralists What was the nature of Hume's objection against the credibility of miracles State briefly the substance of Butler's answer On what grounds does Butler assert the appointment of Mediator and Redeemer to be analogous to the course of nature How far does he accept any of the current explanations of the Atonement In this treatise have argued upon the principles of others not my own What are the chief instances of this What may be gathered from the Analogy as to the principles which Butler held but has not insisted on ό What according to Butler is the office of Reason in judging of Revelation In what respects does his teaching differ from Rationalism from Romanism
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