Calendar: 1858-1859 Page 388
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390 DIVINITY SCHOLARSHIP fetnem ecr laffm Ijergefjen benn fein cer ifi fcfyr grof unb madEjtig rceldjcS feinen 58efei rctrb augridjten benn ber Sag bc8 errn tft grojj unb fefyr erfcfjrecfltcfy rcer fann ifyn teiben State the irregular parts of Mafen laufen erfletgen gie en faljren 6redjen leiben What gender is Sujlgartm State the rule on the gender of compound substantives and mention three examples in eluci- dation What is left out in the adjectives 'etn grofj Unb in'acfyttg SSoIf What ought it to be What does the pronoun gte stand for Translate -ίφ mill tt 23I1U nt ungerocljen laffen In what senses have the Jijeujcfyteien been taken Support your opinion Where did Joel prophesy When was this prophecy delivered what are the reasons for fixing the time Supposing the time to be correct give an account of the condition of the kingdom of Judah 10 What are the natural divisions of the book 11 Where is it cited in the New Testament 12 What doctrines does it teach II ϊ dftrst £pi2tlt to tf CorintfjtanS When was this Epistle written What were St Paul's circumstances and what were his intentions at the time The history of the Corinthian Church up to the time of the Epistle What were the chief dangers to which it was then exposed Write short epitome of the Epistle exhibiting its general plan and the order of the subjects treated of What do you learn from this Epistle as to the nature of the various χαρίσματα of the Apostolic Church Compare what you
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