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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-380

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382 theological department the Gospel preached also to them that are dead that they might be judged according to men in the flesh but live according to God in the Spirit" Pet iv as shall show that you understand the passage Give the derivations of οϊνοφλυγία Pet iv έγκομβόομαι ib and trace the steps by which τύποι Pet comes to signify pattern In what sense does St Peter say that Charity covereth the multitude of sins Pet iv Whose sins are meant In what remarkable points as by prophetic anticipation does St Peter disclaim for himself pretensions which his so-called successors have subsequently made EXAMINATION FOR CERTIFICATES June 1858 -CranSlatt into digital Jam vero sicut animi quasdam mors est vitae prion's morum- que relictio qua fit pcenitendo sic etiam corporis mors est animationis pristinas resolutio Et quomodo animus post pceni- tentiam qua priores mores perditos interemit reformatur in melius sic etiam corpus post istam mortem quam vinculo peccati omnes debemus credendum et sperandum est resurrectionis tempore in melius commutnri ut non caro et sanguis regnum Dei possideant quod fieri non potest sed corruptibile hoc in- duat incorruptionem et mortale hoc induat immortalitatem nullamque faciens molestiam quia nullam patietur indigentiatn beata perfectaque anima cum sunima quiete vegetetur Cujus autem animus non moritur huic saeculo neque incipit configurari veritati in graviorem mortem morte corporis trahitur neque ad commutationem ccelestis habitudinis sed ad luenda supplicia reviviscet Hoc itaque fides habet atque ita se rem habere credendum est neque animum neque corpus humanum omnimo- dum interitum pati sed impios resurgere ad poenas intestimabiles pios autem ad vitam seternam -August de Boot Christ
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