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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-367

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THEOLOGICAL DEPARTMENT 369 Compare the administration of Baptism in the 1st and 4th centuries before and after the Reformation The right preparation of Candidates for Confirmation What books would you recommend to young men and women among the poor to those of the educated classes Write the outline of sermon on the parable of the good Samaritan On what principles may the chief facts of our Lord's life on earth be dealt with by the preacher State the grounds on which your answer rests and apply the principles to the Tempta- tion in the Wilderness What are the faults in regard to subjects method language against which the preacher to the poor ought to be chiefly on his guard What books have you found most useful in preparing you for the work of the ministry -φΐϋ Cfgtammt How were the Sacred Books preserved from the time of Moses to the destruction of the first Temple What testimonies are there to confirm the tradition that the Canon of the Old Testament was collected by Ezra Give an outline of the argument for the unity genuineness and authenticity of the Pentateuch Give the dates of the most important versions of the Old Testament Name the principal prophets and the kings in whose reign they prophesied Describe the geographical situations of Kadesh Barnea Goshen Dan Bethel Ai Mahanaim Heshbon Megiddo Carmel and state some historic circumstance connected with each
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