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  Item Reference: KCLCAL-1858-1859-349

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Schools received into Union with the Name of the Head Master and of the Pupil who received on the 30 7t of July 1858 the Kino's College Prize which is given annually by the Council to the best Pupil of each School Folio Name of School Head Master Prizemen 1858 360 Rev Green Bcnecke Ernest Charles 351 Rev John Gildcrdale Capper Thomp Copeland 352 Western Grammar Brompton Godrich Esq Î’ Mason George lirnest 353 Church of England Hackney Rev Jackson Russell Hugh William 354 Rev Payne Smith Skeffington Sidney Wm 355 Philological Gloucester-place New-road Wilson William Robert 356 All Souls and St Marylcbone District Barford Esq Tewart Edward 357 St Peter's Collegiate Eaton-square Rev Wilson Hill George Wood Neale William 358 Stockwell Proprietary Grammar Rev Watson Bezant Frank 359 Proprietary Grammar Stepney Rev Izard Kent George James 360 Rev Bush Balmer John Pcrcival 361 Kinkel Gottfried 362 Stcbbing Thomas 363 Rev Coke The folio refers to the page of this Work in which information is given 11 out each of these Schools
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